Here's andy's birthday pictures. Especially dedicated to our family members overseas (that is jie, drew and chuney KK!)
Ahahahah...As the old saying says "a picture is worth a thousand words" or in chinese "yi-zhi-qian-jing" without any further ado. Let's all welcome the "star" of the night! *drumrolls*
when he was younggg....he went astray...
..and become a....
..but he was such an aspiring entrepreneur...
..he even created a lot of advertisement for his company
...each more successful than the next...
but finally...he gave up and decide that this road was not for him. So what's better than to quit his old routes and learn a better proper route. One which is rightous and suited him hence he....
But was too much of a copy cat...but one do not fail so long he has the heart. Hence, in the end....
He succeeded and became a successful guardian's spokesman!
The end. =D
Ok. enough of the crap already. Here's the PROPER pictures...
For the original pictures without the wordings. Do feel free to come and look for me. I'll send it to you without any charges or gst.
till then!
***** Just in case. HOW did andy end up with a guardian plastic bag and a bottle of anything is because...
When i ask him wad he wants for birthday?
He tell me "shades or anything lor"
So I gave him anything.
BEFORE surprising him with a guardian plastic bag...that contain his present...
ta daaaaa..exact speech is forgotten. But in a nutshell? That's all that happens.
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