According to some anoynomous sources, the boys didn't rest during the flight who were all busy watching the on-flight movies, playing the games, "beo-ing" at the Aussie air stewardess, gobbling up the food and consuming a disclosed reported amount of alcohol. Anyway, they went through the same routine as Mum and Dad. After touch down, they were brought back to the 5* home-apartment @ Coorparoo to pack up for an overnight stay at GoldCoast.
Interestingly, on the way back home, Drew received a sudden call from Mum. Conversation goes like this...
-background got a sharp BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP sound-
Mum (sounded panicky) : Harlo.. are you coming back already?
Drew (sounded curious) : Ya, we got the boys so driving back liao. Mum, what's that sound?
Mum (sounded even more panicky) : OORRH !!!!! ... it's the smoke detector... Dad fry prawn shrimps till got too much smoke and the detector went off...
-the beeping sound went off even louder-
Drew : Wah... just remove the detector and it should be ok.
-background still got the sharp BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP sound and noise indicating that someone was trying to pluck the device off from the ceiling and then, it went silence -
Mum : hahahhaa... we are frying some stuff for the soup but think we have attempted to wake up the whole neighbourhood. Hahahahahaa... ok liao.. see you in a while. Bye.
Oh, did I mention that the above happened at 8am on a Saturday Morning??
So, after having the very filling breakfast that almost woke up the whole town, we proceeded to GoldCoast....
Caption : As mentioned, the boys were very tired. We felt as if we were smuggling some bodies around Brisbane... = )
The following series of pictures will explain our activites - eating, "fishing", "bird watching" and wave crashing....
Caption : that is Koh Jun Yang having his FIRST OYSTER!!
Caption : I don't know why but Singaporean likes to take these pictures of this when they can do it back home in the wet markets...
Caption : yeah.... take pictures of fishes....
Bird watching.....
Caption : Not sure why but i was trying to take a picture of the bird.....
At Surfer Paradise
Caption : "Someday, we gonna own these buildings.."
Caption : Look into the lens and see what i am taking...
Caption : Introducting King, Queen and Princess of Sea... the one with white jacket is just a "care-lei-fare" (aka EXTRA)
At the Beach...
- end of Article 2-
Notice to all viewers... there will be more articles to the "Australia (Brisbane/Sydney) Tour Group Fun & Laughter & Amazing Race". Stay tuned as there are interesting highlights to the activities and someone would be taking his top for a picture!!!
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