(reflections can be ugly)
have you ever wondered why life is such? or perhaps, considered what brought about the history of yesterday, the happenings of today and the possibilities of tomorrow? or even, queried why we are surrounded by a fascinating and yet unexplainable social behavior? What would you consider right and also, what is wrong? why are we always expecting and expecting and expecting, knowing that we will not get what we expect? Or, are we just born with such natural thirst of this never-ending expectation?
Or perhaps, in reality, such empty promises, denial, accusation, frustration, gossips are like peppercorns in a plate of delicious risotto. Without it, the dish has no spice and yet with it, the bite is awful and regretful.
Perhaps that is life.
I looked around everyday and observed that life is never only about happiness. There is sorrow, anger, anxiety, impatience, selfishness and lots of over-promising. “I promise i will do this and I promise I’ll do that” and it never happen, only to be equipped with an aftermath effort of endless excuses and load full of bullshits.
William Shakespeare once quoted, “Men should be what they seem”. In actual fact, in another quote, “People of the world don’t look at themselves and so, they blame others”
Perhaps human must learn to take a closer step and have a careful examination of the ugly reflection in the mirror. Perhaps human will, one day, remove their masks and live with their true self. Or perhaps,…
Human just never learn.
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